Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond vas poziva na proslavu 15 godina rada & RADOST LUDOST 10!
• Subota 12. oktobar od 20 do 23:00
• CZKD, Centar za kulturnu dekontaminaciju, Birčaninova 21
Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond ima veliku čast da vas pozove na obeležavanje petnaest godina svog rada, i na akciju koju organizujemo već desetu godinu - RADOST LUDOST!
Sve ove godine rada, u zemlji gde ništa nije stabilno, gde su promene svakodnevne, a zahtevi sve veći što se tiče opstanka, borbe, rada i političkog delovanja pogotovo žena, Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond je uspela i uspeva da zadrži svoju misiju, da se odupre totalitarnom režimu i da u najvećoj ludosti kao rezultat dobije mnogo radosti. Mnogo žena, ženskih organizacija, kolektiva i inicijativa dobilo je finansijsku, feminističku i solidarnu podršku.
Radost ludost 10 će se ove godine fokusirati na sam rad Rekonstrukcije. Specijalne gošće ove naše plovidbe kroz prostor i vreme su:
- Dekadenca i Lady K, harizmatični duo sa kojim zaplovljavamo u avanturu večeri
- Efemerne konfesije koje nam donose songove od kojih se ide na Mars.
- Meki spoj, urnebesni duo sa kojim se raspojasavamo za kraj
Instalacija Rekonstrukcija u 15 pogleda biće izložena uz pomoć Katarine Popović, dizajnerke.
Lady K + Dekadenca je kabaretski dvojac koji sarađuje već par godina. Uz jedan klavir i dva mikrofona, vode vas popularnim pesmama kroz svoje latentne ljubavi i egzotične putešestvije!
Efemerne Konfesije su post kabaretska drag extravaganza koja se opire kanonima, kategorijama, šablonima i paternima fokusirajući se na hibridnu scensko-muzičku formu koja ne samo da referira na čitav spektar istorijskih praksi preoblačenja, već i kritički artikuliše dnevno-političku stvarnost.
EK čini grupa performera različitih iskustava i profesija odnosno njihovih često izvođenih karaktera – drag kraljice Markiza de Sada i Dekadenca, drag kraljevi Zed Zeldić Zed, Darlin Brando i Fritz Klein, kao i lažna kraljica Johanna Helmut Kohl.
MEKI SPOJ je romantični duo.
MEKI SPOJ je muzičko otelotvorenje Vaših najnežnijih emocija.
MEKI SPOJ Vam pruža potpuno uživanje Vaših skrivenih patetičnih osećanja.
Uz MEKI SPOJ se pleše, ljubi i rastapa....
MEKI SPOJ je tu za sve nežne, radosne i romantične prigode....
Rekonstrukcija Ženski fond je prva lokalna ženska i feministička fondacija u Srbiji osnovana 2004.godine.
Plovidba kroz petnaest godina rada jedine lokalne ženske fondacije u Srbiji donosi momenat učenja, deljenja, druženja i povezivanja. Vidimo se!!!
Reconstruction Women`s Fund invites you to the celebration of its 15th anniversary and to JOYFULNESS CRAZYNESS 10!
• Saturday, October 12, 20-23:00
• CZKD, Center for Cultural Decontamination, 21, Birčaninova St.
Reconstruction Women`s Fund is honoured to invite you to the celebration of fifteen years of its work, and to the action we have been organizing for ten years already – JOYFULNESS CRAZINESS!
Throughout all these years, working in a country where nothing is stable, where changes happen on a daily basis and survival, struggle, work and political activities become more and more demanding, particularly for women, RWF has succeeded to preserve its mission, to resist to the totalitarian regime and get plenty of joy as a result of plenty of craziness. Many women, women’s organizations, collectives and initiatives got financial, feminist and support in solidarity.
This year, Joyfulness Craziness 10 will focus on the work of RWF itself.
Special guests of this journey through space and time will be:
- Dekadenca & Lady K, charismatic duet that will take us sailing to the adventure of the night
- Ephemeral Confessions, bringing on their songs that will launch us to the Mars
- Soft Match, hilarious duet for the full blown partying for the very end
Installation Reconstruction in 15 Views will be made with the assistance of the designer Katarina Popović.
Lady K + Dekadenca is a cabaret duet performing for several years already. Their popular songs, backed up by a piano and two microphones, will take us through their latent loves and exotic journeys!
Ephemeral Confessions are post-cabaret drag extravaganza which defies canons, categories, templates, and patterns, focusing on the stage musical hybrid form that not only refers to the entire spectrum of the historical practice of drag as an art form but also articulates a critical daily-political reality.
Ephemeral Confessions is a group of diversely experienced performers or rather their regularly performed characters - drag queens Markiza de Sada & Dekadenca, drag kings Zed Zeldić Zed, Darlin Brando & Fritz Klein and faux queen, Johanna Helmut Kohl.
MEKI SPOJ (Soft Match in Serbian) is a romantic duo.
MEKI SPOJ is a music embodiment of your most fragile emotions.
MEKI SPOJ is giving you a full indulgence of your hidden, pathetically dramatic feelings...
With MEKI SPOJ, you dance, kiss and melt...
Reconstruction Women’s Fund ( ) is the first local women’s foundation in Serbia. Through its programs, it supports activities for the full realization of women’s human rights, academic exchange, pacifist / anti-militarist engagement, artist engagement, cooperation and solidarity.
This journey through fifteen years of work of the only local women`s foundation in Serbia will bring us the moments of learning, sharing and connecting. See you!!!
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Earlier Event: September 29
Poslednja šansa
Later Event: October 19
KayGie: Domaći Bal / Drag Show / Pop Žurka