Dame veće od života! Slavimo ikonične dive, žene zaslužne za (pop) kulturu današnjice!
Kroz pesmu želimo da vam prenesemo energiju i otelotvorimo neke od njih.
Ovog puta, vodimo vas kroz celuloidne živote filmskih diva i njihove muzike!
Kabaretsko veče u Kulturnom Centru Grad, za vas spremaju i za vas nastupaju:
Dekadenca, Dajana Ho, Miss Matilda, Ljubičica i Persona B
Pijanistkinja: Lady K
Muzička podrška pre i posle programa: mandymendi
Sreda, 21. jun.
Program počinje u 20h.
Ulaz: 300din
Ladies larger than life! Celebrating iconic divas, women responsible for the (pop) culture of today!
We'd like to to embody them and serve you their energy through their songs.
This time, we'll take you on a journey through the lives of celluloid divas and their music!
Cabaret evening at Cultural Center Grad, prepared for you by:
Dekadenca, Dajana Ho, Miss Matilda, Ljubičica i Persona B
Pianist: Lady K
Music support before and after the program: mandymendi
Wednesday, 21st June
Program starts at 20h.
Entrance fee: 300rsd