It’s been too long, my summer love! ❤️
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Haus of KayGie u saradnji sa Centrom za istraživanje kultura, politika i identiteta (IPAK.Centar) organizuju prvi beogradski Ballroom, Drag Show i Pop Party. 🏳️🌈
👑 Kraljice se vraćaju na velika vrata u Kulturnom centru Grad da se tope uz raskošne letnje večeri i đuskaju sa vama uz letnje pop hitove. 👑
Prvi put u Beogradu će se u okviru KayGie događaja organizovati prvi beogradski Ballroom koji nam predstavlja Asia Gemini:
💃🏻Dobrodošli na Prvi beogradski Ballroom – HOEZ!
Ovo je trenutak i mesto koje smo svi željno iščekivali; Mesto gde smo svi dobrodošli da osvojimo pistu sa svojim rođenim ili izabranim porodicama i kućama. Slušanjem nekih od najboljih ballroom remiksa i deljenjem pehara 🏆najboljima ulazimo u novu vrstu događaja u našem gradu! 🎭Pripremite se za KiKi koji će voditi naša magična DivaBigHeart, a kategorije su:
💋Fem Queen Realness (Kategorija je posvećena deljenju ženske figure i energije sa svetom – oh, la)
💪🏻Butch Queen realness (Ponekad treba podeliti malo (više) muževnosti, uh!)
👹Club Kid Realness (Get your freak on – pista čeka)
👩🏻🎤Lady Gaga Realness (posvećena jednoj od najvećih lgbt+ saveznica, tako da ako ste ikada bili inspirisani nekim od njenih autfita i želeli da ga rekreirate, ovo je vaša prilika)
🙂Face category (Lice bilborda, magazina, noćnih barova, lice sa postera u tinejdžerskoj sobi ili ljuto lice, srećno lice, sva lica su dobrodošla)
🏆Svi/e hrabri/e koju budu hodali/e taj bal hod dobijaće ocene od 1 – 10 bazirane na njihovoj prezentaciji kategorije. 🏆
👉🏻👉🏻Prijave za ballroom možete uraditi slanjem svog (umetničkog) imena i kategorije u inboks na samom eventu, mesendžeru kućice KayGie ili u DM na instagramu @hausofkaygie i @asia_gemini.👈🏻👈🏻
💄Nakon piste krećemo sa nastupima naših lokalnih kraljica:
☕️Najgorčija kafa Mrs. Lilly Cafe
🤡Petit klovnica Kelly with a C
🧟♀️Pravo iz močvare na binu Asia Gemini
💎Kabare diva Dekadenca
💡Puno ime Svetlana, sunce ti – Lana Vee!
🕷Za Srbiju Zlatica, za svet Golden Orb
🎪Nakon nastupa kreće ALL NIGHT POP HITS PARTY – muziku će puštati Double Di – neprevaziđena nacionalna frekvencija Dita Von Bill i Diva Big Heart.👯♀️
🧚🏻♀️ Ulaz za celokupno queerest iskustvo je 300dinara. Let’s get this voguing started!
Vidimo se!
Haus of KayGie is partnering up with Research Center for Cultures, Politics and Identities (IPAK.Center) to organize first Belgrade’s Ballroom, Drag Show and Pop Party at one event.🏳️🌈
👑The queens are getting back on the big stage in Kulturni centar Grad to melt away on lavishing summer night and dance with all of you along pop summer hits.👑
First ballroom in Belgrade is being organized on KayGie events brought to you by Asia Gemini:
💃🏻Welcome to the first belgrade Ballroom – HOEZ!
This is a moment and a place which we all waited for greatfully; Place where we are all welcome to win the runway with our birth or chosen families and houses. While listening to best ballroom remix and giving away the cups for the best presentation we are entering a new type of events in Belgrade! 🎭Get ready to Kiki with our magical hostess Diva Big Heart, and the categories aaaaaaaaare:
💋Fem Queen Realness ( Category for celebrating female figure and energy with the world – oh, la la)
💪🏻Butch Queen Realness ( Sometimes we need to share a little bit (more) masculinity, uhhh)
👹Club Kid Realness ( GET YOUR FREAK ON – runway is waiting)
👩🏻🎤Lady Gaga Realness (dedicated to one of the greatest lgbt+ ally, so if you ever felt inspired by one of her outfits and you want to reacreate it, here’s a chance)
🙂Face category (Cover girl, magazine face, night club face, face from the poster of the teenage room, angry face, happy face, all faces are welcomed)
🏆All brave who walk the ball will receive scores from 1 to 10 based on their presentation of the category.🏆
👉🏻👉🏻Entry for walking the ball is mandatory and you can do it by sending your (artistic) name and the category in inbox of this event, message the fb page of KayGie or directly in DM on instagram @hausofkaygie and @asia_gemini.👈🏻👈🏻
💄After the runway the drag show starts with our local queens:
☕️The most bitter coffee Mrs. Lilly Cafe
🤡Petite clown Kelly with a C
🧟♀️Directly from the swamp to the stage Asia Gemini
💎Cabare diva Dekadenca
💡Full name Svetlana, motherfu* - Lana Vee!
🕷For Serbia Zlatica, for the world Golden Orb
🎪After the drag show we are getting our jushes up with ALL NIGHT POP HITS PARTY – our Djs are Double Di – unexcelled national frequency Dita Von Bill and Diva Big Heart.👯♀️
🧚🏻♀️The entrance for the whole queerest experience is 300 rsd. Let’s get this vouging started!
See you!
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Earlier Event: June 14
Wyrd Sisters • DEV9T
Later Event: September 29
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